Monday, September 2, 2019


The empire`s religion is monotheistic with innumerable saints, angels, demons and devils.


The universe is composed of a primordial substance which is matter, energy, thought and soul. From that substance was born the Shaper. The Shaper started sculpting, writing, singing, painting and forming the substance into it's true forms. This is how the world came to be. Where some of the substance was evil, it became demons and devils. Where the substance was good, it became angels. Where it was neither, it became insects, animals and plants. Where it had some of both, it became various creatures and peoples.

Once all of the primordial substance has been formed as it should be, the balance will be seen and the universe will turn into it`s final form. If the balance is evil, the universe will be engulfed in eternal war, torture and death. If the balance is good, peace and beauty will reign.

Because most of the primordial substance has both evil and good or has none, the empire`s religion works to ensure the good side wins.


The religion is divided in 3 main parts: 

The Curia is the church's mind. It ensures people are aware of the religion, sending missionaries all over the world and making sure the believers hear the right sermons at the right time. There is a single office of the Curia in the empire's capital, Carcosa. 

The Anima takes care of the believer's souls by holding services and giving advice to the believers. 

The Inquisition takes care of the believer's (or non-believer's) body, making sure evil doers are punished properly and using the right procedures to strengthen believers with fasts and mortification when needed.

The Anima and the Inquisition are both more autonomous in the way they are organized and operate. There are leaders in each region or large city who take care of things.

Bludgarten Saints and Angels

There are literally thousands of saints in the Shaper religion. Some are related to locations, cities, or natural features, while others are the patron saints of professions and artisans.

Examples include Saint Vilfikius, patron saint of the city of Vilifika; Saint Amniotus, patron saint of the Amniotic Sea or Saint Tailorius for tailors.

Others are said to be very ancient gods, or the gods of other peoples that have been integrated into the religion to better assimilate their peoples. Examples include Saint Moradius, patron saint of the forge, rumored to be a dwarven god, Saint Pelorius, patron saint of light and agriculture, Saint Sylvanius, patron saint of trees or Saint Corellius, patron saint of leisure, who was a god of the elves.

Priests and clerics will often dedicate themselves to a specific saint, trying to emulate their lives and protect and nurture the domain associated with him or her.

People will often wear medals or amulets dedicated to their favorite saint. Priests and clerics will often dedicate their lives to a specific saint, trying to emulate their lives and preaching their philosophy as it relates to the Great Shaper.

There are numerous angels, serving and doing the bidding of saints. They very rarely appear as such to mortals, usually working through dreams, messages or by taking the form of a trusted person.

Demons and Devils

There are as many demons and devils as there are saints and angels. They all work to corrupt and destroy mortals, doing their best to ensure evil wins when The Shaper finishes forming the primal chaos.

Among the most powerful demons and devils, we can find Lolthex, demon queen of spiders and treachery, Demogorgex, demon lord of madness, Orcex, demon prince of undeath.

On the devil side, we have Asmodex, king of tyranny, Geryex, lord hunter, eater of flesh, Dispatex, lord of paranoia.

There are others who are said to have been gods at one time such as Banex, king of war and conquest, Tharizdex, prince of madness, Vecnex, lord of secrets, Zehirex, prince of darkness and poison.

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