Monday, September 2, 2019


The campaign will mainly take place in the city of Vilifika. Vilifika is the second biggest city of Bludgarten. It sits on the south shore of the Amniotic Ocean.

Its main industries are fishing, boat construction, technology and education. Its university attracts a lot of young, intelligent people.

City Districts: there are nine districts in the city. A short description follows.

The university sits at the center of the city in the Reading District and is surrounded by various shops and restaurants, mainly catering to students and faculty. There are also tenements in the area for them. A large park sits in the north-west section of the district, bordering the Birthing, Occipital and a small part of the Fabric districts.

Directly west of the university, is the Swampside District. The area is full of artisan shops and inns catering to the travelers that take the train as the train station is located in this district. One of the main entrances to the city is there. The area gets poorer as you move further north.

Directly north-west of the university is the Seaside District where you will find the boat yard, the main harbor with warehouses and inns catering to sailors. There are also a few cheap flophouses and brothels.

North from the university is the rich and noble section of the city. It is separated from the harbor by a cliff. The Kaiser’s castle can be found there as well as the Voivode’s and various nobles’ houses. Closer to the university, one can find higher-class bars, restaurants and a few theatres. The area is called the Birthing District.

To the east of the noble section is the religious area, called the Occipital District. The big cathedral and monastery can be found on the Occipital Promontory, which is even higher than the Birthing District. There are some cemeteries sprinkled in the district. The area is also littered with small shrines to various saints, relic sellers, divination experts and a few professionals.

South of the religious neighborhood and directly east of the university is another professional and artisan area called the Fabric District. Some inns and taverns cater to the visitors coming in from the east. The further east one goes, the poorer the businesses and housing. At the city limits, on the beach, there is a shantytown made in part of old rowboats.

The southeast is covered mainly by housing, tenements and a few artisans catering to the locals, with a red light district closer to the eastern part of the city. This is the Carmine District.

The south portion of the city is dedicated to housing, with a few stores and restaurants here and there. It is not the nicest area, as the train goes through here to the southern gate and onwards to the capital many, many miles away to the southeast. The area is called the Grey Cot District.

Finally, to the southwest, we have the Black Snow District with a railway, and many manufactures for everyday items (clothing, pots and pans, some dishware). This is also where tech items are produced. One place just opened and is making “cars”. They are extremely expensive and only 2 or 3 nobles have one for now. They mainly export to the capital and other countries. The area has a few restaurants and stores catering to the people working in the area, with some bars and taverns close to the other neighborhoods to the east and north of it. The district takes its name from the smog and frequent falls of ashes.

About a ten minutes ride by boat north of the city are two islands. The easternmost island, Ileus, holds the city prison; while the western one, Ileum, holds the insane asylum.

To the west of the city is the Jugular River. Where it meets the sea, the river becomes the Capillary Delta, each branch flowing through the Subclavian Swamp. A clan of peaceful lizardmen live in the swamp. Most prefer to live there, keeping the traditions of their clan but some of the more adventurous ones leave it to explore the city.

There have been some frictions between the city and the lizardmen clan lately, because of the pollution coming down the river from the mass production of technological items.

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